Thursday, May 19, 2011

Playing Games Activity for Baby: The Benefits

Playing a Game is one of the ways for baby to learn and to develop her thought. Game will stimulate her creativity and her imagination so it will improve her intelligence. In order to maximize her intelligence, the games that educate baby are needed and, therefore, she will get knowledge from anything that she uses when she plays.

To stimulate her intelligence, you don’t need to use expensive toys. An expensive toy doesn’t have meaning if you only give it to your baby without any clues or instructions. It could be your baby is more interesting with the package than the toy itself because the package has interesting color and unique shape. In contrast, the simple toy will have high value when it can be used to improve her intelligence.

Support her to play alone

You can direct her attention for some times to do certain activity. But her concentration is still short. Sometimes, support her to play alone because in that way she can have fun and fulfill her needs by herself.

She will be more skilled in using crayon, paint, sand, and water. She starts applying paint on paper and sketches by using crayon or chalk. She also can fill the bucket with sand but you still help her to stir the sand, make it solid and shape it into sand castle.

Play role together

Playing role is the way for baby to give meaning of anything that happens around her. When self conscious appears, she will act as other people and imagine how it feels. With this imagination, her language skill also develops because there are many things that you and your children talk while she plays. In this age, you must be active to begin and participate in every role. She will imitate you, and her imagination skill also develops.

In the beginning, she will enjoy the daily activity game for example, she pretends to eat, drink, and sleep. Reading book, having pet, visiting farm house, or taking trip with train or plane will support her imagination. She will enjoy when she becomes cat, cow, train, or plane. She also doesn’t mind if you play with her. Generally, child likes to play father or mother role. When she can play alone, she can create the daily situation by using shopping cart or baby cart complete with the doll. If you give her old cap or shoes, she will be anything that she imagines. Boys and girls also like playing with clothes.

Use the things that you have

There are many things at your home that you can use to play role play. For example, a cover sheet that is hung can be used as a tent, house, cave, or tunnel. The little tunnel from cover sheet can develop from crawling route until anything that your child imagines. She can still do this until she enters school.

A few months later, she will start playing any elements from real life. Playing role can help the intelligence development, social, communication, and her language skill. The toys that have small size can help her soft motorik skill. When child learns to concentrate for longer time, she will be absorbed in those games. If child is ready, she will involve other kids in her imaginative games.

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