Thursday, March 31, 2011

How to Decide What Newborn Baby Clothes You Need

No matter how well prepared and confident parents-to-be appear on the surface, every one of them faces moments of nervousness in between all of the excitement. Preparing for the new arrival requires a lot of things to be considered, such as preparing the nursery, figuring out what help will be needed and buying more than enough newborn baby clothes.

As far as clothes are concerned, fortunately there are now lots of places to buy both clothes and baby equipment. The choice of clothes has certainly expanded since the 1970s when I had my children. Not only do stores like Target and Wal-Mart have special baby sections there are dedicated baby stores like Babies r Us so it is one stop shopping. Another resource is the Internet so you can choose everything for the new arrival in the comfort of your own home.

When you think about the necessary equipment you need for your baby you immediately think of car seat, stroller and crib. But equally important is also the question of what basic baby clothes will you need for the first few weeks? And how many of each item do you need?

Whether you are buying baby boy clothes or baby girl clothes there is no specified number of each garment that is essential. It is important to have enough of the basic baby clothes for a day or two so that you don't have to be constantly worrying about having to do the laundry every day.

Newborn babies can go through a surprising number of clothes changes in the course of a day so garments that are easy to get on and off make a lot of sense. So which clothes does it make sense to have? Here is a list of articles that are practical for the newborn:

* Make sure you have at least 5-10 snapsuits, either plain ones for use underneath pants and tops or the fancier ones as outerwear when its warmer.

* Use baby one piece sleeper suits in the first few weeks during the day - you'll need 5-10 of these.

* For use during those night-time diaper changes, have 4-5 baby gowns because they make the job a lot easier.

* 5-10 bibs - although babies don't take solid food they do have a tendency to drool and spit up.

* Buy a large amount of burp cloths so that your clothes can last for more than just one burp session!

* Keep baby's feet warm with socks, no matter how well the home is heated. You'll need 5 pairs of those.

* Decide which type of hat matches the weather you're likely to experience and get two of them.

* Keep baby warm with one baby coat, choosing the one you want that matches the season and the weather in your part of the world.

* Make drying baby easier by having two or three hooded baby towels.

* Avoid the scratches that babies are so good at inflicting on themselves by having at least two pairs of cotton mittens.

Please bear in mind that every baby's needs and habits are different and as a result the list of newborn baby clothes above cannot be exact. In particular, the frequency with which you wish to change your baby's clothes will affect the numbers.

Even so, I suggest that you use the list as a general guide so that the task of diaper changing and baby dressing is simple as possible. You can then supplement it with any additional outfits that you want for those extra special occasions.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Saving Money on Baby Clothes

It's very easy to overspend when you have a new baby especially when it comes to baby clothes that your baby will soon outgrow. Planning ahead and taking shopping trips for baby clothes based on the growth of your baby will help cut down on the expense. These ideas may help you plan your next visit to the baby store for clothes.

Buying baby clothes that are a perfect fit is false economy as your baby will very soon outgrow them. It makes more sense and saves you money to buy a larger size as your baby will soon grow into them and they will last longer than a two or three weeks.

* It is a good idea when choosing clothes by age, such as 9 months or 12 months, to work out the time of year when your baby is old enough to wear them. It's no good buying summer clothes to fit a ten month old baby if it will be the middle of winter when they will fit!

* If you have ever struggled to get a wriggling or crying baby dressed you will be aware that choosing clothes with back openings or that go over the head is not a good idea. Front opening outfits with either poppers or velcro fastenings save you and your baby a lot of stress.

* Make sure you have enough: Food often dribbles on to your baby's clothes when you're feeding him and babies often spit up or be sick on their clothes. Whenever messy accidents happen, you'll need a fresh change of clothes ready for your baby to wear.

* It is always a good idea to check out the clearance rails in the stores first rather than paying regular prices. Most store have bargain rails, especially when they are swapping out seasonal clothes, and sometimes they discount them even more at the cash register. If you shop during sale time and on the clearance racks you can save a lot of money.

* Don't be too proud to accept hand me downs from family and friends. This can save you a lot of money and as babies from birth to about nine months do not wear their clothes out many will be nearly new. You may also find that some of the outfits haven't even been worn as often parents are given far more clothes than their baby needs.

* Make some cash from old clothes: Selling the clothes your baby has outgrown is a great way to earn a little extra money. There are many places where you can turn outgrown baby clothes into cash, for example eBay, garage sales, thrift stores and online. You might not make a lot of money and certainly not what you originally paid for them, still, you'll at least get some of your money back.

These suggestions will help you to get the most out of your baby clothes and save you some money in the process.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Natural Cough Remedies For Babies

When your baby comes down with a cough, you want to do whatever you can to make her more comfortable. Yet at the same time, you don't want to grab over the counter medication, since there are usually side effects and chemicals that you'd rather not expose babies to if it can be avoided. What's more, recent studies have shown that cough syrups are worthless and the sugar they contain may even prolong illness.

Thankfully there are quite a few natural remedies that you can try to calm your baby's cough. If your baby seems congested, take her in the bathroom and run a hot shower. The steam from the shower will help loosen that congestion in her lungs.

Putting your baby in a warm (not hot) bath can have the same effect. Make the bath even more effective by adding a few drops of eucalyptus, sage or thyme oil into the bath water. The vapours from these essential oils will help open baby's airways, allowing her to breath easier. The vapours from these oils will also sooth a sore throat.

If your baby's cough is caused by croup, sometimes the best course of action is to wrap her up warmly and take her out in the night air. The cold air sometimes calms the inflammation in the upper airways.

You can also use sage and thyme to make tea out of them. The warm herbal tea will help clear mucus out of your baby's lungs. Please check with your pediatrician to find out at what age you can start giving your baby these herbal teas.

Licorice tea is another great natural cough treatment. Licorice has antibacterial properties that will help you baby fight the bacteria that are causing the cough. It also soothes the throat and calms the respiratory tract; helping her get some much needed sleep. Make a cup of licorice tea and give it to your baby as warm as possible, of course without burning her.

Another very effective and gentle natural cough remedy for babies is an herbal rub. Start with 3 to 4 tablespoons of olive oil and add 2 drops of essential oils to the olive oil. Good oils to use are eucalyptus, sage, rosemary and peppermint oil. A mixture of eucalyptus and rosemary works really well at night, since the eucalyptus will calm your baby's cough and allow her to breath easier, while the rosemary helps calm her down and drift off to sleep.

Mix the olive oil and essential oils well, then apply the mixture to your baby's chest and back. If the baby is small, swaddle her in a soft blanket, otherwise keep her back and chest as covered as possible with a thicker, tight fitting shirt to build up body heat which will allow the essential oils to vaporize. As baby breathes in the fumes, breathing will get easier.

A humidifier is another great option when it comes to making your coughing baby more comfortable. Use a few of the same essential oils suggested above and run the humidifier in baby's bedroom.

Some Moms have found that breast milk will help soothe and heal a cough better than any other drink. If you're nursing and baby develops a cough, don't stop breastfeeding. Increase baby's feedings. Breast milk is not a dairy product and is the safest food for baby when he's sick.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Eczema in Babies - How to Treat Them

Very little of the literature for new mothers addresses eczema in babies. After all, eczema doesn't fit in with the picture of the dewey, glowing baby all new parents imagine. Eczema in babies is fairly common though, and not too difficult to understand and treat.

Eczema is dry, scaly, itchy skin that appears irritated. Although not contagious, eczema can become infected if scratched. Infants can develop eczema almost anywhere, but behind the knees and elbows, and on the face, neck and belly are the most common sites. Eczema in infants tends to become crusty and weepy.

Treating your baby's eczema can be relatively simple. Since eczema tends to rob the affected skin of moisture, keeping the skin adequately moisturized is the most important aspect of treatment. Limiting baths to two to three a week helps to keep the skin moist, and using a very mild soap like Aveeno, Dove or Cetaphil is important. Avoid anything with perfumes or dyes. Pat the skin dry, never rub, and immediately apply a thick moisturizer. Aquaphor and Eucerin are often recommended, but any mild, unscented, thick lotion will work.

Many doctors recommend that lotions be applied four or five times daily to help keep the skin moist.

If the skin is irritated and red, a mild topical steroid like 1% hydrocortisone cream may be prescribed by your doctor to reduce inflammation. Many doctors and parents advocate putting socks or mittens over a baby's hands to keep them from scratching affected skin.

Eczema should be carefully monitored for signs of infection. Any open, weeping or warm areas should be immediately treated, and your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic to keep the infection under control.

Although often very frightening for new parents, eczema in babies can be managed with careful monitoring and constant moisturizing. Fortunately, many babies grow out of eczema by age five with no long lasting effects.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Baby Songs Help Heal Sick Babies


"Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast". And baby songs, classical music and other gentle melodies can soothe sick babies and speed healing.

A three-year study by the University of Western Sydney in collaboration with the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne found that playing baby songs including lullabies, light classical, and New Age melodies, to sick babies in intensive care helped calm and sustain their behaviour while babies who did not have the therapy deteriorated noticeably, coping less well with their hospitalization.

40 infants were divided into groups: the first group received music therapy while in hospital the second group received no music therapy.

The first group had up to 12 sessions with a therapist singing baby songs to them. Researchers found these infants maintained the same levels of irritability and crying they had at admission.

The second group, who did not have any music therapy, showed an increase in crying and irritability as time went on.

Babies who are less irritable use less energy, which has implications for the rate of healing and weight gain which leads to shorter hospital stays.

Another study at the Yale School of Medicine showed that adult surgery patients who listened to music required much less sedation. And a 1999 study found that listening to music after surgery can reduce post-operative pain.

And everyone has experienced the power of music to create mood and feeling, you hear a sad song that immediately reminds you of a lost love, an up-tempo song from your teenage years plays on the car radio and you start driving faster, a haunting melody brings a lump to your throat, and patriotic songs inspire people to fight for their country.

Many hospitals play baby songs and classical music in their neonatal and paediatric units in order to provide a calming, healing, and soothing environment for the babies. And in Florida, all state funded pre-schools are required to play classical music to the children by law!

In every culture and every country mothers sing to their babies to help calm them and lull them to sleep (hence the word lullaby).

Babies are great listeners and are extremely attentive to their acoustical environment so search out the best baby songs, lullabies and other calming music you can find. If you can find music that you enjoy as well as your baby, it will not only help maintain your baby's health and speed healing if your baby is sick, but it will also help keep your own blood pressure down at the same time.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

When Your Baby Is Sick - Tips for How to Care for Your Baby's Cold


When your baby has a cold, it can often mean long hours of comforting and holding a fussy baby. Caring for a baby with a cold can be anywhere from a few days to a week or more of dealing with a runny nose, coughing, sneezing and sleepless nights. Every parent wants to be able to speed up the process of getting better and see their baby back to their happy, cheerful self. In this article, we will cover some of the basics for caring for your baby's cold to help getting her feeling better.

1. Fever- Be sure to keep a close eye on your baby's temperature for signs of a fever. Keep a good baby thermometer on hand that helps make it simple and easy for monitoring your child's temperature. Check with your pediatrician about the appropriate dosage to bring down a fever with Infant Tylenol or Motrin. Also, depending on the age of your baby, you may want to call your doctor if your baby's temperature reaches between 101 and 103, to determine the best course of action for ruling out other illnesses or infection. Keep track of medication dosages and how often you are giving your baby medication. This is important to avoid overdosing as well as it may be something you'll need to know if you need to talk to your doctor.

2. Doctor's Office Phone Number- Keep your pediatrician's or the on-call nurse's phone number handy so you can easily find it when your baby is sick. Having a sick baby can be stressful, so the last thing you want to do is spend time searching for a phone number.

3. Keep Baby Hydrated- If your baby is vomiting, has diarrhea or a fever, it will be very important to make sure your baby is drinking plenty of breast milk, formula or water. Diarrhea in babies can dehydrate a baby, so be sure to keep an eye on how many wet diapers your baby has when she is sick. If your baby seems to have an upset stomach and is eating solids, you will want to keep her diet limited to the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast).

4. Dealing with congestion- If your baby has a cough or runny nose, you can use a humidifier in her room at night to help calm her cough and to sleep better at night. You might also want to suction her nose several times a day or check with your pediatrician about using a decongestant.

5. Your Patience and Love- Often what a sick baby wants most is to snuggle up with mom and dad. Most babies will want to be held more than when they are sick. Part of caring for your baby when she has a cold is just helping make baby comfortable until she starts to feel better.

And finally, if your baby was born prematurely, parents should be especially vigilant to caring for baby when she has an illness and to be aware of any changes in baby's behavior or symptoms. Be sure to track changes such as inconsolable crying or difficulty in breathing and do not hesitate to call your doctor for advice on treating your baby's symptoms. You can easily track changes sleep, medications and feedings using an online software tool like Baby Insights Day Tracker at Babble Soft is a premier baby software company to help new parents stay organized with a place to log everything about baby's care into on central place.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Sick Baby: When and How to Talk to the Doctor


Establishing a good relationship with your baby's doctor before she gets sick is important so you can have a good understanding of how to communicate with the doctor at a time when you need their attention the most. Most doctors are very busy and have only a little time (if any) to communicate with patients who don't have an appointment. You can often call the advice nurse at the doctor's office and she can help guide you about next steps or she will take a message and talk to the doctor when she's free.

It is also a good idea to get a list from your doctor at a well-baby check up with which sick baby symptoms warrant calling the doctor about. These might include a high fever for several days, non-stop crying, vomiting or loss of appetite. If you have a premature baby or an infant with other health issues, then your doctor may have a special set of instructions for what to watch out for when your baby has a cold.

Having a sick baby can be stressful and if your baby isn't sleeping well when she's sick, then chances are you will be tired as well. Tracking baby's illness symptoms, temperature and medication when she's sick will be helpful not only for identifying when there have been significant changes as well as being able to report to the doctor and answer any questions he might have.

Doctors appreciate information such as baby's current temperature, how much she is eating and drinking and how many wet diapers she has had each day. Fewer wet diapers than usual might indicate baby is not getting enough liquids.

When you do call your doctor, keep the following in mind:

1. Know what questions you want to ask before you call.
2. Be able to provide a concise and explicit list of the symptoms you are concerned about and how long the symptoms have lasted.
3. Don't expect the doctor to automatically prescribe medication or ask to see your baby in the office. Listen carefully to the doctor's instructions and ask any additional questions to clarify what the doctor has said.
4. Don't be afraid to provide feedback. Doctors and nurses can get busy so sometimes it might seem as though they don't feel your baby's illness is as serious as you do. It's okay to gently and tactfully remind them if you feel as though you haven't got the attention or information that you needed.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How to Stop Being Scared of Childbirth

Who can blame you for being scared of childbirth? You've been told since you were a little girl that giving birth is a painful, scary thing. You've been told all the horror stories and you've certainly seen the births on television.

But you're also concerned for the health of your new baby - even now. You want to give your baby the best start possible, and you know a good birth is good for your baby. So how can you stop being scared of childbirth and start focusing on how you're going to have the best birth for your baby?

Start by removing the negative influences as much as you can. I know those baby shows on television are addictive - I'll catch myself stuck to the screen if I'm not careful. But they're really not good to watch. Television is all about drama so they have to pick...well... the dramatic births. Of course your baby's birth is going to be a momentous occasion but it doesn't have to be a made-for-TV terror. Do yourself a favour and change the channel.

You may also want to avoid being around people who tell "horror stories" of childbirth. I know sometimes you just can't avoid family gatherings where every great-aunt who notices you're pregnant feels it's her duty to go into all the agonizing detail of her five births. But try to tactfully change the subject, or exclaim that you forgot you're supposed to be helping in the kitchen!

You've now minimized the negative outside influences. What about the things that are still in your head?

A lot of fear is simply fear of the unknown. I recommend you list the fears that come to mind when you think of giving birth. Are you scared of the pain? Of a long labour? Maybe you're worried about a c-section. Whatever it is, list it.

Now go through your list and consider each item. Ask yourself "what would I do if this happened? How would I want to handle it?" So if you're worried about a long labour ask yourself "what would I do if my labour dragged on and on?"

Answer the question to the best of your ability. Running with the above example: "I'd rest fully between contractions. I know that it's hard to continue a long labour with no food, so I'm going to talk to my doctor about having light food during labour. I'm also going to make sure I get plenty of rest as I get close to my due date. I'll rest during the day if needed, and on weekends, so I have more energy for labour. I'm also going to research pain medications and how they could let me sleep - and what effects they'd have on my baby. Then I'll know if I'd be comfortable taking something to get some sleep, or if I'd rather not."

Do you see how in the above example I was really honest? I listed some things I could do now to help myself feel prepared for a situation I'm worried about. Talking to the doctor about food during labour, researching medications, and planning to get as much rest as possible are all things that can be done rather than worrying (or trying to pretend you're not worried).

Go through this exercise with each one of your fears. Decide what you'd do in each situation. Decide what you can do and learn now, in advance of the situation. Maybe you want to learn what happens during a c-section, or how a breech baby is handled. Work through your fears in this manner and you'll find the element of the unknown fading away. As you become informed, your fears will fade.

The final component is to let your fear go. You've listed it, you've decided what you'll do if the fear is realized. You've listed things you can do or learn now to prepare you for that fear. So (other than doing those things), just let the fear go. If it keeps coming back, address it again and figure out why it's recurring. Then let it go. Once you've worked through your fears and let them go, spend time picturing just how your ideal birth will go. Dwell on your perfect birth, and let the fears fade away.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Baby Boomers Are Facing the Last Third of Life and Are Scared

There is a whole generation out there getting scared. They are getting scared of getting old, weak and feeble. The saw it happen to their parents and witnessed them having to go into nursing homes in their droves when they could not take care of themselves and they don't want it happening to them.

They are the baby boomer generation who have lived a life of vitality and carefree existence and who are now staring down the barrel of retirement and don't want to go down the slippery slope towards the final event.

Who could blame them for feeling scared? As we get older we lose muscle and bone mass, the metabolism (the body's engine) slows, body fat accumulates, blood vessels begin to stiffen and narrow, joints lose flexibility, heart capacity declines, the brain slows, energy dwindles and the immune system weakens increasing disease risk.

The biggest change that continues the downward run is the loss of muscle tissue that accelerates as the years pass till finally as much as 50 percent of a person's musculature has been siphoned away. This leaves all over body weakness and disability of some degree or another and this is where the nursing home comes in.

It is not surprising that we fear getting old as these changes happen to healthy people. People with disease and medical problems start the downward spiral of decline much earlier and the decline is much quicker. All in all, getting old is not something for the faint hearted.

Yet the fix for this is so easy. A proper exercise program containing mostly strength training exercise is all that is needed to put the brakes on most of the muscle loss and many of the other losses. You have to put an intentional exercise program into your life if you wish to avoid the negative aspects of the aging process. You also have to put some effort into your strength training exercises and this may even take you out of your comfort zone from time to time. Not something you wish to hear but the truth.

But good health and a long life is not going to be handed to you on a plate. You have to earn it if you wish to avoid the nursing home. There is simply not enough muscle building and maintaining activity in our modern lives. It has all been removed to make our lives easy and convenient and the price for this is high - very high.

We all get old but how it affects you is all up to you. No-one else is responsible and only you can take action and slow it down as much as possible so the burden of your health issues does not fall upon someone else such as your family, friends or your community.

Don't think as you are getting older you need to do less and slow down. Do the opposite - do more, be more, speed up, get strong, get fit and eat better than you ever have in your life. Just because the years are ticking by and you are getting older does not mean you have to get 'old'.

If there is a fountain of youth for the baby boomers to help them combat the slippery slope of the last third of life proper strength training exercise is it. You are lucky as you know about it; your parents did not know this and ended up frail and unable to look after themselves. You saw the affects of this on them and you have to take action if you are to avoid the same fate.

Nothing even comes close to the youthful anti aging affects on an aging body as proper exercise and those who embrace it live longer, healthier and happier lives. Grab some for yourself.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Giving Birth - Don't Be Scared

baby b

Many first-time moms-to-be are scared to death of childbirth; even though they really have no idea what to expect. Movies, books, and friends tales have all worked together to make it this mystery which much be painful. Occasionally, childbirth may be an experience that you do not want to repeat, but as soon as you hold that wonderful bundle of joy, any pain or trauma quickly fades away. (Notice I didn't say is forgotten.) Some things to know about childbirth follow.

An average baby weighs around 7-1/2 pounds and is 18 inches long. Of course, babies may be smaller or larger than this. My first baby weighed 9-1/2 pounds and was 19 inches long. Still, I had another one. A baby's head is pliable, for lack of a better term, and changes shape to aid its passage through the birth canal. A new-born baby's skin is dry, soft and wrinkled and sometimes covered with a cottage cheese looking amniotic substance. The new-born baby can only focus on objects about 6 inches away, the distance between you and baby when feeding properly.

During the first few days, everything is new and patience is the key here, for both mom and dad. Lots of cuddling, loving, soothing, and soft talking will help your baby get used to his new environment and you to get used to baby. You cannot spoil a new-born baby by holding it too much - it is impossible. You will be sore from childbirth, not to mention exhausted so it's important that you get plenty of sleep the first few weeks after birth. That means that you sleep every time baby sleeps, day and night. At least for the most part, do.

Giving birth is not easy, but is by far the most wonderful experience a woman can have. Keep in mind the prize - a precious baby for you to love the rest of your life.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Is Anyone Else Scared of Having a Baby?

Somehow, I don't think it's only me who has a fear of having a baby. Now don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't want to have a child, it's just that I don't feel I'm ready to have one. And to be honest, I'm not sure I'll ever feel I am ready!

I've had experience working with older children (Aged between five an twelve years old) as I used to work in a play centre. Kids at that age I'm used to, give me a child of that age and I'm good. It's just the younger ones, I wouldn't know what to do with them. At least with the older kids you can talk and interact with them, but what are you supposed to do with a baby? They don't talk back! Yer OK, they look cute. But surely there's only so long you can stare at them and say "Awww" before you get bored? And what about the rest of the time, word is they keep you up all night crying and pooping in their pants (Which you have to clean up mind).

Sometimes I wish I could have my child from the age of four. Wouldn't it be great if your girlfriend or wife just gave birth to a four year old child and you could start doing all the fun stuff a parent and child should do together?

Other times however, I wonder if actually having a baby will make me fall in love with the whole situation and be glad I had one. Guess I'll never know until I try it out.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Parody T-Shirts For Baby

Babies are big business these days and whether you have one (or two) or know someone with one, finding cool clothes for them can be a challenge. Luckily the ubiquitous t-shirt has even made it down to the tiny all-in-one size so popular with babies. And why not, the t-shirt is the all American way of letting others know what you're really thinking and feeling.
We've all seen the standard baby tees with "grandpa's little angel" or "mommy's super star" written on the front. There are lots of variations on this theme, the traditional family friendly baby tees that state the obvious and ruffle no feathers. But what about the baby whose parents don't fit in the Wal-Mart mentality?

Well, there are other options. Some new t-shirt makers create humorous and parody t-shirts for baby. Other t-shirt makers take designs usually meant for adults and shrink them down for baby consumption. Either way, the number of choices for unique and clever baby wear grows each day.

Mind you it's not the baby making the decision to buy a Led Zeppelin t shirt, it's the parents, but at the same time a baby has a way of accepting or rejecting the clothing it wears, trust me on this one. Parody t-shirts for baby offer the parent a way to influence their child at the same time they tell the world where their beliefs stand.

In a world of exponential growth on almost all fronts, staying on the cutting edge of anything is tough. Baby wear is no exception and although designer baby gear may come and go, the baby t-shirt will remain, in one form or another, as long as babies do. And like t-shirts for adults, baby shirts make a perfect palette for just about anything that a designer can come up with.

And now with the advent of some of the modern interactive websites, even grandma and grandpa can be the designer. With a few clicks of a mouse they can build their own humorous or parody t-shirts (or customize existing designs) for their grandchildren and usually for very affordable prices. These sites offer lots of choices for the shirt styles, colors and designs through simple point and click interactivity.

Some design sites have even taken well known corporate logos and reworked them into something more suited to a baby. What better way to teach your child the importance of humor than to help them laugh back at "The Man." A parody t-shirt might be the perfect gift for that eclectic couple and their newborn.

So when it comes to baby wear, you no longer have to settle for the run-of-the-mill designs and slogans on your baby t-shirts. There are designers out there with an eye for humor and parody that will make everybody smile. A funny, parody t-shirt for your baby will make you and your friends laugh now and your child laugh many years from now when they see how you dressed them, way back when.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pampers Vs Huggies - What Is the Best Choice for Your Babies' Safety

Diapers are very important for your baby's health. A good diaper will always keep your baby dry. Using a branded diaper is always a better idea to keep your baby comfortable and smiling. There are various well-known branded of diapers that are available in the market.

You just have to choose the right one for your kid that can suit his skin and fit him well. While talking about diapers you just cannot ignore Pampers. Most of the people think that Pampers are a kind of diapers but actually it is a brand name.

Pampers is a well-known brand that has always provided good quality baby diapers. It provides dry and comfortable fit that allows your child to move freely. Pampers are leak proof and keep your babies dry for longer period. It also protects your baby from getting rashes or skin irritation. Pampers are durable and affordable. These are easy to use and are easily available in the market.

Along with Pampers, you also have Huggies in the market that are very famous. Huggies are disposable diapers which are preferred by many parents for their kids. There are many diapers such as Ultra Trim, Snug, Overnites and Dry that are offered by Huggies. This is a great brand that has Velcro straps on its diapers so as provide better fitting. The shape is designed superbly well so as to provide maximum comfort to the kids.

The best thing about Huggies is that if they fit well to your kid's skin then they rarely have a chance of leaking. Although, Huggies are very popular and are preferred by most of the parents, yet they have a big disadvantage. Huggies are prices very high and are not affordable by all. This is one of the most expensive brands of baby diapers and thus Pampers are more preferred than Huggies.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Beautiful Baby Shower Napkins

Whether you want to hold a baby shower in an elegant restaurant, a reception hall, or a warm cozy home, there are appropriate party supplies and decorations that you can use to create a nice finishing touch to the whole event.

When looking for baby shower supplies especially decorations, you have to be a bit creative to make the look of the event something that the mom-to-be has never been seen. Of course, in order for you to do that, the plan should start as early as possible so you can really find the best type of supplies that fit the theme of the baby shower.

One great idea to decorate the party tables is by placing beautiful shower napkins on the place settings. Some of the most popular choices feature stunning vivid colors and cute illustrations of baby-related images, such as a baby carriage, teddy bears, pacifiers, baby diapers, and cute clothing. These will help create a feel of a real baby party. These are just among the few beautiful classic ideas that you can have for the napkins, and when they are featured in the baby shower, they surely make the event more special and fun.

Of course, you can opt for more fun and unique baby shower napkin ideas such as those that carry a specific theme. You can find napkins with a sweet theme like a baby bath time theme, which captures the elements of a bubbly-fresh feeling to the baby shower. It really depends on the theme of the party when choosing the right supplies, such as decorations and napkins.

Choosing right shower supplies give a fun party feel to the entire venue. You can show to the guest of honor that she really deserves a one of a kind shower experience that you have prepared for her.

Going online gives you a lot of ideas on how to plan a memorable baby shower. There are so many websites to visit and most of them give wonderful ideas when it comes to just about anything. If you are a newbie, don't worry because you can find online guides, instructions, suggestions, and tips to plan a momentous baby shower for a dear friend or family member.

There are also lots of websites that literally sell baby supplies. Without leaving your home, you can order all the necessary things you need to plan a fun event for an expectant mom. Online stores that specialize in showers and other parties related to children usually offer a wide variety of shower invites, decorations, napkins, favors, and a lot more. You can also purchase shower games online, but there are some sites where you can get printable shower ideas for free. You and the rest of the guests can also purchase shower gifts for the mom-to-be online.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Formula Or Breast Milk - Which is Healthier For Your Baby?

One very important decision that every expectant mother will need to make is whether or not to breastfeed. Throughout the last several decades, the practice of breastfeeding has gone in and out of style. Beginning in the forties, women were discouraged to do it by their doctors. This negative view waned a bit after the fifties. But many baby boomers were never breastfed. However, breastfeeding has recently had a resurgence in popularity due to the many studies that show the amazing health benefits of it for both mother and child.

There are many reasons to consider feeding your baby breast milk. It has been proven that Breastfed babies are healthier than those who received their feedings through baby formula only. Their immune systems are stronger, their cognition and learning ability is stronger, and their weight is healthier. Also, there is a certain intimacy involved during the process of breastfeeding that reinforces important psychological bonds, including closeness and love that are difficult to achieve through nursing with a bottle.

When deciding upon what to feed your newborn baby, there is not a more perfect food than breast milk. It naturally contains the perfect amount of protein, fat, sugar, vitamins and minerals. With formula, you risk the possibility of an allergic reaction in your baby from the synthetic and chemical ingredients. Although formula companies try to mimic natural breast milk as much as possible, it's never as nutritional for your baby as the real thing.

There are also some incredible benefits for mothers as well. Women who breastfeed their babies lose extra weight from their pregnancy much faster. Also, they have a considerably lower chance of developing ovarian and breast cancer later in life.

In light of these important facts, why don't more mothers consider breastfeeding over baby formula? Some of them feel pressured into using formula due to modern views and attitudes. Some mothers are afraid of the idea of breastfeeding because it will need to be done in public on occasion. Others are physically unable to produce enough milk to adequately nourish the baby, so they have to resort to using formula.

Will you be able to stay at home after the birth of your baby? Keep in mind that if you will be going back to work full-time during the first several months of your child's life, it will be difficult to maintain an adequate supply of milk. If you must go back to work, using a breast pump while working is a viable option for many mothers.

Whatever you decide, it's important to keep your baby's health and development in mind.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Knowing The Best Food For Your Baby

If you're breastfeeding your baby you are doing your child a service. Breastfeeding provides the best nutrition a new baby can get. It gives them a good start at a healthy life. Once they turn six months old, however, your baby needs more than you can give him or her. Breast milk is no longer the best option since it no longer contains all the nutrients that a baby needs to grow strong and develop properly.

Studies have shown that if mothers wait until their child is six months old before introducing solid foods they greatly reduce the risk of allergies. This can be important if you have a family history of severe allergies.

However if you insist on introducing solids to your baby's diet earlier than six months you should avoid foods containing gluten such as eggs, cheese or fish. Always consult your doctor before making important decisions regarding your baby's diet.

You'll find your baby is ready for a change if they can lift their head. It's important that your baby be able to keep their head up straight when they eat with a spoon.

At first, you may be required to hold them up while they eat but later on a tall chair may suffice. Another indicator that they are ready to move on with their diet is if they are chewing their food. Your baby should be able to move the food in the back of their mouths in order to be able to swallow it properly.

As your child learns to chew and swallow they will drool less and less. They will eventually start to grow teeth which will make the process easier.

Eating solid foods should help your child to put on a healthy amount of weight. Doctors tell us that babies are usually ready to eat semi-solid food when their birth weight has doubled. This usually happens around sixth months.

And finally, you'll find that your child is ready for solid food when they become intrigued by what you're eating.

Friday, March 11, 2011

How to Turn Paper Napkins Into Tile Coasters

Having nice get-togethers with your friends and family is always a good time. Whether you're getting together for a holiday, a special occasion like a baby shower or wedding shower, or just a fun summertime barbecue you always have leftovers. And by leftovers I mean decorative paper plates and napkins. When you have a party for the Fourth of July you have red, white and blue decor and when you have a baby shower, you have pretty pastel colors and napkins. You don't have to throw these napkins out. Use a recycling method and craft a coaster out of them. This is such a neat craft. You don't even have to make it just to recycle, but you can make it for a fun gift as well.

Here's what you'll need:

* Mod Podge

* A Square Tile size of your choice

* Paintbrush

* Decorative Napkin

* Polyurethane

You start out by using your Mod Podge and brushing it all over the tile, including the sides. Then you take your pretty napkin (only one layer) and center the image onto the tile. You then press the napkin all over so it sticks to the Mod Podge. You do this along the edges too. If you end up with wrinkles or the napkin is not straight, that is ok, it just gives it more definition and design. After five minutes or longer, you can tear away the extra parts of the napkin on each side. If you don't want the napkin to remain on the sides because you tore something unevenly, you can sand it down so you no longer see the napkin. Again, this is up to you.

After all this is done you can apply three coats of polyurethane, of course you have to let it dry between each layer first. Once that is dry you can apply a piece of cork or felt on the other side of the tile. This will help avoid scratches on your table when the coaster is in use. Again, once all dry, rest your cold glass on your new coaster.

You can make some really fun coasters depending on what napkins you have. You can use your leftover Fourth of July napkins to make coasters for your next 4th party or you can use your baby shower napkins for a "Welcome to the World" gift for mommy.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Organic Baby Clothes Impressed This Stay At Home Dad

Being a stay at home dad is not an easy job and some days, it seems like the corporate world would be less hectic. Having feeding and at least one diaper change out of the way before the rooster crows makes for a very long day. With a six month old and a toddler, there is never a dull moment. Thank goodness my wife makes things easier for me by washing and laying out the organic baby clothes that will serve as the outfits for the next day.

Yes, you heard correctly, I said organic baby clothing, words I never thought I would utter. Growing up with clothing made from synthetic materials like polyester, the word "organic" was not in my vocabulary. What was good enough for me is good enough for my children, I originally thought. This all changed when I learned more about the issue and had a child with extremely sensitive skin. Now, it is organic all the way and we are all the better for it.

Organic baby clothing is made from natural cotton fiber that is certified organic. What this means is that the cotton is not treated with pesticides or insecticides during the growing process. This makes the resulting clothing gentler on the skin because there are no chemical contents and the products are made entirely from cotton. The cotton is harvested by hand, a method that minimizes harm done to the earth.
Aside from the positive impact on the environment and the gentleness of the fabric, what really impressed me is how the workers who create these baby clothes are treated. Communities engaged in organic farming benefit from elevated health standards and they have cleaner water. In addition, they are paid respectable living wages and included in organized labor. These are not things that can be said of so-called sweatshops that employ underage workers to make some other clothing, paying them just dollars a week.

I was amazed that there were different styles and colors available. Knowing nothing of eco-friendly dies, my expectation was that all the clothes would be white. Instead, there were blues, pinks, greens, and tans, all in various shades. More research revealed that these colors do not fade even after repeated washing.

This family has now purchased organic baby clothes for both children. Closets are full with gowns, rompers, bodysuits, tops, and bottoms. Friends who complement the clothing now receive gift sets for their newborns. After this experience, my desire is to relive my childhood wearing this comfortable, long-lasting clothing.

Organic baby clothes are not just a gimmick, but a must have for any parent that is truly concerned about the health of their child. If you find yourself shopping for organic baby clothes, check out today for an incredible selection and the best deals.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

8 General Baby Care Tips

Taking care of a newborn baby is not easy. Babies need proper care and nutrition to avoid getting sick and stay healthy at all times. First-time moms will surely need to learn the right techniques and ways on how to handle and care for their babies.
To help parents particularly moms in caring for their baby, here are some general baby care tips that you should know and follow to keep your baby healthy, safe and sound.

1.) Know the nutritional needs of your baby
Babies differ in their nutritional needs based on their age. Newborn babies should be breastfed in order to get the right nutrition and be protected from illnesses through the antibodies from the breast milk.

2.) Give your baby the proper clothing
Ask fellow moms or your pediatrician on what clothes should be worn by your baby during the day and at night. Check the skin of your baby and see if your child is allergic to any particular clothing or fabric.

3.) Learn the proper ways and right time for changing diapers
Be extremely carefully when changing your baby's diaper. Make sure not to pull his/her feet and slow move from side to side when changing the diaper. Check from time to time whether the diaper is soiled or needs to be changed.

4.) Proper bathing of your baby
During cold weather, it is best to add hot water to the tub but make sure to mix it well. For newborn babies, make sure to bathe them really quick but with tremendous care. Prepare the towel and cover your baby as soon as you're done bathing. Use doctor's recommended liquid soap that is hypoallergenic and gentle to the body.

5.) Sanitize your hands before holding your child.
Infants need to be safe always and be kept away from dirt, pollutants and germs that can possibly enter their body so make sure to sanitize your hands before carrying your baby. You should also never carry your child if your clothes are dirty or you just arrived home from work.

6.) Never shake your baby!
Shaking your baby when playing or having him/her go to sleep is not right! Shaking can cause bleeding or damage to the brain and should never be done to your child. Sing lullabies to your baby or let your child listen to music when going to sleep.

7.) Immunization is important.
Always bring your baby to the pediatrician for the scheduled immunization. Never miss any immunization schedule because vaccines are important to protect your baby from certain illnesses and keep them safe and healthy.

8.) Never leave your child unattended.
You should never leave your child unattended or turn your back on them. Accidents often happen when babies are left alone or when you are busy doing other things thinking that your baby is just sleeping. Make sure to keep an eye on your child or instruct your babysitter to always monitor your infant.

Babies are fragile and require extreme care and attention. Parents should learn the proper handling and caring for their babies because it is their responsibility to rear the child so the child will grow healthy and always safe.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Consumer Recalls: Baby Joggers + More

Baby Joggers + More

There have been several consumer recalls over the past couple of days that may affect Deal Seeking Mom readers. Please refer to the links included in each section for more details about the specific recalls:

Baby Jogger Jump Seats

Baby Jogger LLC, of Richmond, Va. has issued a voluntary recall of Baby Jogger Jump Seats because if the Jump Seat does not properly lock into place and could disengage from the stroller allowing the child to fall out. This recall includes the Baby Jogger Jump Seat, item #J7J50. The Jump Seat is a fabric seat accessory with the name "Baby Jogger" on the front that is attached to the mounting bracket on the frame of a Baby Jogger City Elite, Baby Jogger City Classic or Baby Jogger Summit stroller and allows a toddler and baby to ride together in the same stroller at the same time. The item number is printed on the product packaging. The recalled joggers were sold at juvenile products stores, mass merchandisers, and department stores nationwide and on the web from January 2008 through July 2010 for about $100.
Consumers should immediately stop using the Jump Seat and contact Baby Jogger to receive Jump Seat safety straps and assembly instructions. For additional information, contact Baby Jogger toll-free at 877-506-2213 between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. ET, e-mail the firm, or visit the firm's website.

Resistance Tubes and Resistance Tube Kits

Dick's Sporting Goods Inc., Coraopolis, Pa. has recalled about 229,000 Resistance Tubes and Resistance Tube Kits because the plastic clip that attaches the resistance tube to the handle can break during use causing the tubing, handle or fragments of the plastic clip to strike the user posing a contusion and laceration hazard. To see a picture and complete list of the recalled tubes and kits, go here. The affected tubes and kits were sold at Dick's Sporting Goods stores and online at from October 2009 through November 2010 for between $15 and $60.
Consumers should stop using the resistance tubes immediately and return the product to Dick's Sporting Goods for a store credit equal to the purchase price. For additional information, contact Dick's Sporting Goods toll-free at 866-677-4771 between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. ET Monday through Friday, e-mail customer service or visit the company's website.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Baby Shower Party Decorations

Baby Shower Party Decorations to Liven Up Your Baby Shower

An excellent source of information providing the perfect baby shower decorations and themes. Decorations and themes that are focused and timesavers for the host. Some low cost and effective shower decoration ideas.

Decorations can be as modest or as extravagant as your budget and time allows. Literally there are a number of ways for decorating the shower. Balloons, cakes, table settings, along with wall and ceiling decorations. Decorations are an important part of any special baby shower.

Fill a basket or small wagon with stuffed animals to be used as a centerpiece. You can also place teddy bears around the room along with some dolls and toys. Place them on tables, bookcases and peeking over lamps. Or set up a train on your table. Then fill the cars with small baby items such as teething rings, pacifiers, rattles, and booties.

Although the theme as well as decorations of modern showers have changed with the times, it is still traditional to the use the colors of the baby's nursery. You can decorate the nursery with fresh flowers, balloons and streamers.

As a general rule one should stick to the traditional ways of decorating. If you are going with the traditional party decorations, you would use china and silver. No doubt every shower needs some sort of decorations.

In baby showers it is not a necessity to use a lot of decorations. Just simple decorations would be sufficient if that is your desire, perhaps along with a few seasonal flowers and party toys.
If you do wish to celebrate the shower in a big way there are many party stores that carry large assortments of baby decorations such as storks, teddy bears and nursery rhyme characters.

These decorations can be placed anywhere and removed easily after the shower. You can give these to the expectant couple to take home after the party. Most of them can be reused for some other occasions such as a childs birthday party. One of these would be a baby diaper cake which has become very popular.

There are many more baby shower party decorations and themes. For instance, gather a bouquet of pink and blue balloons and tie them with pink and blue ribbons. You can attach them to a chair, or as the centerpiece containing baby's breath and greens.

Similarly, purchase a small umbrella and hang it upside down over the table. Maybe over where the mother-to-be will be sitting to open the baby shower gifts. Fill the umbrella with balloons and let ribbons or streamers hang over the edges.

Softly play light music or children's songs. You can also do mild lighting with small bulbs as used in Christmas tree decorations. If you know what names the parents have chosen, spell them out using wooden blocks or paper strips.

Summary of Decorating Ideas

Nursery Colors:
Use colors from the nursery for your theme. This option gives the flexibility to use any type of napkins, tableware, and party decorations for your party. You don't necessarily need to buy expensive party decorations with patterns, just use the same colors throughout.

Nursery Theme:
Similar to the nursery colors, but this one uses the actual theme of the nursery. Ask the mom-to-be what she plans for her nursery decor and go from there. If her decor is lace and cream, then keep to that same look and feel for the shower, using party decorations with that color and pattern.

Another important part is where you are actually organizing the baby shower. The location will help you determine the matching party decorations and themes. Whether your baby shower is in an elegant restaurant, a banquet hall or a warm cozy home. The right supplies and party decorations will add that extra finishing touch.

Pick a theme and carry it through with coordinating supplies and party decorations such as centerpieces, balloons, gifts and party favors. From invitations and games to cups, plates and napkins. These party supplies offer everything you'll need for the perfect baby shower.

A little bit of creativity and imagination will play a big role here. Good baby shower party decorations need not be very costly, but does require some effort and creativity. While choosing a baby shower theme or baby shower games remember to make them a good fit for all the baby shower guests invited. You also might want to offer the party winners little treats like candies and eclairs.
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